Thursday, May 8, 2014

Live From Greece!!

After nearly 30 hours for flights and transfers we all got to Athens !!!
Even with the travel/jetlag we are all exited to be in Greece and starting our adventure.

The first night we had a welcoming dinner in the heart of Athens old 
town and not far from the Acropolis, the restaurant that was picked by our guides was perfect. a true Greek favorite as the photos on the
walls of the owner and his family with so many of Greece's famous and other well known world wide bid shots showed us.

As a kid in school you learn about Greek history and it some how seen so unreal, but when you get to walk right up to the pillars of the Parthenon and hear from our guides just how this was all made and what they were thinking at the time this was being built it becomes a image
that will be with you for the rest of there life.
I can't wait to write more next week about the Greek islands we are heading to. Events And Adventures Travel

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