Saturday, May 31, 2014

“Best. Weekend. Ever!”

Three words to describe our memorial weekend in the Dells? “Best. Weekend. Ever!” Between zip lining, the jet boat tour, and spending time at the pool and campsite, it was one fun-filled weekend! Arriving at the campsite Friday night, everyone was excited to see friends from their own city and catch up with people then haven’t seen in a while. We had a couple poor late comers who had to set up their tents in the dark, but E&A members are always willing to lend a helping hand! The nights were filled with campfire stories, smores, and games. Those who you got enough sleep and still had energy left ventured off on the Devil’s Lake hike as well as the Downtown Dells walk in the mornings. For a bit more excitement, we went on a wet and wild jet boat ride with our hilarious captain Tom. No one walked away dry after that boat ride…especially the front rows! Zip lining was our other amazing adventure. We bonded as a group while learning how to zip upside down and doing the “trust fall.” Everyone had such an amazing time, we can’t for the Labor Day trip!

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