Thursday, June 19, 2014

New Member Meeting & Friday Night Mingle!

Friday night at Bar Forza was an amazing mingle! First our new members (and we had a lot!) arrived to go over E&A policies and get to know one another. Once the regular members joined us, the real party started. We were spoiled with our own private room and even a surprise buffet! The new chef delighted us with parmesan French fries and bruschetta, what a treat! The food was a clear hit with everyone as it was gone in about 5 minutes! As the night went on and the music got louder, people started to put on their dancing shoes and bust some…very interesting moves. Overall the night was a huge success with the mingling of old and new members. For our first event members, we hope you had an amazing night and can’t wait to see you at another event soon! Events And Adventures Chicago

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