Friday, January 24, 2014

Trapped In A Room With A Zombie.......

The night was cold, the air was crisp and the moon was full. This makes for a perfect evening to be trapped in a room with a zombie! Us E&A members really got to know each other as we put out heads together in order to fight for our lives! (not really). We had one hour to work together to solve a series of riddles and puzzles in order to reveal the key that opened the door to freedom. Doesn’t sound too difficult, right? Wrong! I forgot to mention we only had 1 hour and there was a  live zombie that was out to get us! Even though he was chained to the wall, he was struggling to get his rotting hands on us any way that he could!  To make things worse, every 5 minutes a link in the chain was released allowing the zombie to inch closer and closer.  The team work was amazing! We solved every clue but one… that meant we were zombie meat!  All in all this adventure was totally awesome and it was my favorite event yet.  Next time E&A is takin’ that zombie down!   Events And Adventures Chicago

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