Friday, February 21, 2014

Have Your Cake And Eat It Too.....Our 1 Year Anniversary In Chicago!

Over the weekend E&A celebrated their 1 year establishment in Chicago! The party took place at the same location downtown where we held our very first event ever, The Castle. We partied in the historic stone building which was built in 1892. The entrance is dressed with a large pair of winged gargoyles and the inside is decorated with a fashionable, gothic style.  We had a private area all to ourselves where we mingled and talked about our favorite events the past year, and boy were there tons! Pictures were on display which gave us all some good laughs. We watched a video compiled of the great times we’ve had and reminisced together. Nobody could believe how fast the time has gone by. It was an important reminder that you have to live your life to the fullest! It is so important to have fun and surround yourself with awesome people! We talked about some of our favorite events that we can’t wait to do again. We also made a list of new things we want to try. The night carried on with eating, drinking and of course…dancing! We were the first ones on the dance floor and even up on stage. Whenever I need to get the party started I know I can always count on the Chicago members. We have the best group of friends and I can’t wait to see what memories year 2 has in store for us! Bring it on! Events And Adventures Chicago

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

An E&A Ski Trip!

Chicago has seen over 60 inches of snowfall this winter season! So we bundled and headed to the slopes! Usually the most dreaded part is the road trip, but not with E&A. We started the morning off with coffee and donuts and all piled in a bus together. We sat back and relaxed as we were chauffeured to the lodge. When we arrived we geared up with our skis and snowboards and had a private instructor awaiting us for lessons! We spend the whole day admiring the views from the lift and atop the mountains. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. There was nothing that got in the way of us snow bunnies! Although, we did break for some hot cocoa and shared some laughs about the latest stories on the slopes. In our group, we had some beginners as well as some experts, but at the end of the day we all had wonderful winter day of fun together!  Events And Adventures Chicago

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What’s The Worst Part About Living In Chicago?

 The WINTER of course!  But not when you’re a member of E&A!  We took that 17 degrees and ran with it, all the way to rooftop of the exclusive Dana Hotel.  The Dana Hotel is the home of Vertigo Sky Lounge, a bar with an incredible outdoor lounge nestled in the heart of downtown Chicago.  But it would be a shame to let this view go to waste because of the winter cold, so Vertigo created an ice bar for the outdoor area.  That’s right!  A whole lounge made entirely out of ice!  We got a few cocktails from the ice bar and admired the incredible view of the city.  Huge fire pits kept us warm and gave a beautiful glow to the intricate ice sculptures that inhabited the rooftop.  We sat on couches made of ice that were topped with cozy fur blankets.  Even though our bodies were cold that night, spending the evening with each other warmed our hearts. Events And Adventures Chicago