Friday, November 22, 2013

Monday Night Howlin’

The night was crisp and clear, and hung high in the dark sky was a dazzling full moon.  We had to celebrate this lunar delight, and what better way than at Howl at the Moon!  We tipped back cocktails and sang at the top of our lungs with our dueling piano accompaniment.  Since we E&Aers were obviously the coolest people there, we dominated the dance floor.  We mad new friends and danced the night away! At one point we even stole the spot light when we were invited up on stage to show off our moves!  The music was so great that some of the ladies even abandoned their heels to keep dancing!  Now that’s what I call having your priorities straight! I think the Chicago club made that full moon proud! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Salt Does More Then Just Enhance Flavor!

 This definitely tops the chart with the coolest thing I’ve done all month…A Salt Cave! 
As I walked inside, salt crunched under my feet like sand on a beach and the walls sparkled with salt crystals. We sat back in our reclining chairs and snuggled up in our blankets. We laid back and chatted about our days. 
Shortly the lights dimmed and calming sounds of the ocean played as we nestled in.  This unique experience was more than just relaxing. The air inside the cave was beneficial on many levels. The components of natural sea salts that filled the air have a concentration which promote several areas of health. Who knew this hidden gem was tucked away right here in our city? After a long, hard day at work, it was great to relax with some friendly E&A faces and try something new!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day and So Many Awesome Events!

Happy Veterans Day and Thank You to the Men and Women that have served and continue to serve our country!

I am so ready for another week of Awesome Events! There's Dinner Around the World, Salt Cave Experience, Two Steppin', Chicago Picks, Private Karaoke, Medieval Times and Chili Cookoff & Bears Viewing Party! Signing up now for my favorites ...woohoo!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Blank Canvas. A Glass of Wine. A Stroke of Genius!

It's Tuesday night after a long day of work. Most people head home to put on their sweats and plop in front of the TV all night. Not us. That's not E&A's style! Instead, we met up for a relaxing evening of wine, painting and friends! The night began with sipping and sampling the different wines we brought. We relaxed on plush couches and snacked on fresh baked breads accompanied by infused oils and vinegar's  We took time to unwind, meet new members and talk about our day. Then it was time for the real fun to start! We each selected our desired photo and attempted to recreate it with paint and a blank canvas. At first it was a bit intimidating, but it wasn't long before my painting was well on its way! Just when I thought i was stuck, help was close by. E&A had a private painting session which came with two of our very own instructors! Whenever we needed guidance or supplies they were right there waiting to help us. Even if we didn't need anything at all they were there with compliments and encouragement! And when we were indulged and focused on our paintings, they brought to our attention when the local commuter train pulled up to the station across the street. For those of you that were there, you know what I mean. Let's just say it was a reminder to take a break, breathe and sip your wine. (We liked train breaks). At the end of the evening it was great to see how many of us chose the same picture to paint and how differently they each turned out. The colors, the shapes, the strokes of the brushes...they were  all impressively beautiful! It was obvious to me how each of our characters were expressed through our art. We all have our own style and uniqueness...And that's what E&A is all about. Coming together to be who we are!   Some of us have similarities and some of us have differences. That is why the club works! That is why we love it and have a blast!                                      Events And Adventures Chicago

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Peru Trip in August....

For those of you that were not able to join us on this trip, here is a part of their Adventure as told by Reid our Event Host from Houston....
I took this picture at our basecamp at Soraypampa, Peru roughly 3,800 meters up in the Andes Mountains.  After completing the first days 7 hour hike in the lead group I see a bright light of confidence and accomplishment in my eyes.  Day 2 would destroy that light like a waterfall crushing the faint light of a candle.  After “sleeping” through rough winds, cold temperatures and a choir of wild dogs; the banging on our tent at  5 AM wasn’t the best wake up call I have ever had.  This was the start of the most challenging day of my life.  Fighting altitude, rough terrain and fatigue I would eventually reach the height of our trek 15,220 ft…before lunch;  A grueling 4 hour hike up over 3,000 feet in a matter of hours.  As I passed another adventurer up the trail he said something to me I would never forget.  He was much older than me and he looked at me through tired yet excitedly hopeful eyes and said Have you ever had so much fun being miserable?” It was a quote that I will always remember because I never want to forget that the things in life worth striving for often require the most challenging journeys.  Learning to love the journey is what Events & Adventures is all about every single day.

All of our Trips are open to members from any of our Clubs.

Events And Adventures Travel

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fencing Lesson!

Foil, sabre, epee…do you know what these things are? I do!  I never would have thought I would be doing something that dates back to the 16th century. I am referring to our Fencing Lesson. It was awesome! Our instructor was great at allowing us lots of hands-on exposure. She also educated us on the evolution of fencing up until its modern day. I had no clue that national fencing tournaments take place right here in Chicago. It’s a whole other hidden world! The experience was a first for nearly all of us E&A members. I love doing new things together! Someone was even able to check off an item on their bucket list! We let our guard down and tried something new. Actually, we kept our guard up! Haha…ON GUARD!
Events And Adventures Chicago