Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Bash 2013!

Chicago’s biggest event yet!!! And guess who was there? Super woman! Captain Jack Sparrow! And the Energizer Bunny! That’s right…I am talking about the Halloween Bash, and boy was it is FUN!!! Our first annual Halloween Party was so awesome that it carried into the wee hours of the morning! The company was great! The band rocked! The costumes were spectacular! It was so refreshing to see each other out of the ordinary. Dressing up simply makes you feel like a kid again, and we all need that every once in a while! Our VIP loft was perfect for dancing or just relaxing and mingling on the comfy couches. Plus, it was only steps away from the band. We had the best of both worlds! E&A created a night of great fun, friends and memories. We have the pictures to prove it! To see more pictures visit our Facebook Page at:
Events And Adventures Chicago Facebook

Events And Adventures Chicago

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Learning Chicago History During An E&A Scavenger Hunt!

When you live in a big city, sometimes it’s easy to forget the little gems that make it so great.  The Chicago E&A’ers got a chance to participate in our first ever Scavenger Hunt!  We broke up into teams and ran all over downtown Chicago, searching for landmarks and collecting interesting information.  Did you know the sculpture at Millennium Park that we lovingly call “The Bean” is actually named Cloud Gate?  Who knew?!  We also learned that it is not as easy to find a book of matches as it might have been a few years ago, am I right Scavenger Hunters?  We roared with the lions at the Art Institute, interviewed each other in front of ABC Studios, and blew bubble gum bubbles in front of the Wrigley Building, and that’s only scratching the surface!  After a day like that how could we not feel proud to call Chicago our home!
Events And Adventures Chicago

Sunday, October 27, 2013

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night.......

Cue spooky music…It was a dark and stormy night…Well maybe not “stormy” but it was drizzly and cold!  The line was so long that we thought we would turn into zombies before we got to the end, but we didn’t mind too much. We had good company. There were 50 E&A members hanging out and we were on a mission!  There had been a zombie out break and it was up to us to save mankind!  We were loaded onto hay wagons and each assigned a paintball gun. Then we took off into the night.  Things were calm at first but then zombies started coming at us from all sides and it was our job to mow them down with our paintball guns!  There were a few close calls, but by the end we felt invincible!  After that we ventured out on foot through the pitch black corn maze with nothing but our flashlights to protect us!  We weren’t sure if  we would all made it out alive, but we did, and would do it again in a heartbeat! At the end of the night we eliminated the zombies and gained new E&A friends!

Events And Adventures Chicago

Friday, October 25, 2013

Monday Night Wallyball!

Monday night wallyball was awesome! It was all our first time playing so we were in the same boat. Wallyball combines the right amount of fun and exercise to keep you wanting more! It was awesome to see how much our skills progressed by the end of the evening. Heck, Kelli even invented her own serve where the ball disappears right before your eyes! It was a great way get rid of that Monday stress. I can’t count how many times I said “just one more game!” E&A brought us together and encouraged us to try this new, amazing sport which we will definitely see on the calendar again. The evening ended with laughs, sweat and salted caramel pumpkin icecream. That’s normal, right?!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Feeling Like A Kid Again

It’s been awhile since I’ve felt like a kid again, and our pottery class did the trick! Having clay all over my hands, arms and under my fingernails brought me back to my childhood. There is something about being dirty that makes me cringe and happy at the same time! We all began nice and slow on our pottery wheels trying to keep control of our clay and the splatter to a minimum. It didn’t take long before we realized this isn’t as easy as it looks! Some of us created beautiful bowls and vases while others’ looked like the work of a kindergartener(myself). All and all our creations were our own and we were proud of our art, perfect or lop-sided. I can confidently say that we threw around some clay and some laughs as well! 

Events And Adventures Chicago