Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lions And Tigers And Bears (And Lights)....OH MY!

A little cold weather didn't stop us! We bundled up and strolled amongst the animals, right here in the heart of Chicago! With the city skyline as our backdrop, we walked around Lincoln park zoo sipping hot apple cider and looking at thousands of glittering lights. This tradition happens only once a year and boy is it a sight to see! 
From walkways, to animal exhibits, to tiny tree branches, the zoo is beautifully illuminated with every color imaginable. We made new friends and enjoyed each others' company as we viewed musical light shows, watched live ice carvings and even did a bit of holiday shopping together! Oh and don't let me forget...we kept our Christmas spirit alive by visiting Santa! (You're never too old to believe.) Events And Adventures Chicago

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Tis The Season...For New Friends!

And what a better conversation starter than ugly Christmas sweaters?! We donned our knits all night, both tasteful and tacky. We talked about where we found our sweaters or how we made them. Someone even borrowed their granny's sweater just for the party. Also, not to mention any names, but one gentleman told his hilarious story of shopping is the womens section to find his perfect outfit! Our first Holiday party here in Chicago was off to a great start! The drinks were the size of fish bowls and the straws seemed as long as fishing poles. It was quite a sight!  To add to the evening, it was nice to have our own area reserved because it gave us some space to do our first annual gift exchange. The anticipation was overwhelming as each of us opened our gifts one by one for all to see. Who would have guessed that a tin of cookies would be the most demanded present. After the gift was stolen a few times, some lucky person went home and indulged in a delicious treat (you know who you are). We also had a donation box designated to Toys for Tots. It was nice to see how many members brought gifts in hopes to make the Holiday special for children near and far. This was just a simple reminder to me how awesome our Chicago members truly are. All in all, the evening was great! We even started making plans for our Holiday party next year! 
Events And Adventures Chicago

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Shopping For The Holidays?

Can’t find the perfect present? Who doesn’t love a handmade, one of a kind, gift?  Our Chicago members got a jump start on the holiday season at one of the coolest events yet, glass blowing!  We made our very own glass ornaments! Our two awesome instructors walked us through the delicate process.  We were each given a glob of melted glass at the end of a pipe, we rolled it in all sorts of different colors of broken glass, and then it was time to turn up the heat.  We had to keep our glass constantly rotating in a huge furnace to melt the colored glass shards evenly, turning our little blob into a rainbow of swirling colors.  When it was finished in heat, our instructors kept the pipe rolling as we blew with all our might to fill our colorful glass blob with air.  We pinched them off, and there you have it!  A beautiful, unique ornament, a perfect holiday gift for a loved one, or for yourself!  Glass blowing was definitely one of the most interesting and fun things the Chicago club has done yet! This event was on fire, literally! Events And Adventures Chicago

Friday, December 13, 2013

Another Awesome Trip To New York!

 Traveling with E&A is awesome. Not only do they do all the planning work, but we get to hang out with members of the other cities. I had such a great time! For many of us it was our first time in New York City. I got to experience the city with friends not only from Dallas but also Minneapolis, San Jose and Vancouver. I met a bunch of new friends from other cities too. I love that E&A scheduled the best stuff for us. Carnegie Deli, Radio City and the Rockettes, Hop on & off bus tour, boat tour around Manhattan Island with a fabulous narrator that knew, well, everything about the city’s history. The holiday lights are awe-inspiring. We had time to do our own thing, too. We got discount tickets for Broadway shows. Spiderman Rocked! Visited the Empire State & Rockefeller buildings-WOW. Sat in the audience of my first TV show. Really cool. We ate all kinds of delicious food (think I’ll be paying for that for a while). How can you stop when it’s EVERYWHERE? Thank you so much for a great trip! I’ll remember it forever!
Events And Adventures Travel

Monday, December 9, 2013

In Case You Are Unaware, Chicago Loves Its Food!

So each month we head out and try a new (or old) restaurant in the city. We usually choose a place that has been reviewed on a local station or in a newspaper. Sometimes we go big and check out places that are even on national TV shows like Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives. We like to see what the chefs and critics have to say and then go in and rate it ourselves. This week we definitely found a hidden gem! Nestled between two buildings and just below the ‘El’ train tracks is Macello. The street is dimly lit and the noise of the train every few minutes echoes for blocks. From the store front it looks like your average Italian butcher shop. But as you step inside and walk toward the back you are taken in by delicious aromas. The atmosphere is rustic with wooden beams and bright, boldly colored artwork. The brick oven definitely adds a cozy touch. We had a private section reserved just for E&A. The menu had so many scrumptious choices that we all had a hard time deciding what to order. Everything was made fresh right in the restaurant! Most of us ended up sharing and sampling eachothers delicious dishes. We also were in luck because it was ½ off wine bottle night! It’s so nice to meet up after work and share dinner and drinks and talk about our day. We decided that events like this make a long day at work worthwhile when we have something to look forward to at the end of it. There’s nothing like spending an evening with good food and good company. (Especially when the owner sends over a round of delicious limoncellos “on the house” for dessert!) Events And Adventures Chicago

Friday, December 6, 2013

Very Cool Event.....Glass Blowing!

Shopping for the holidays?  Can’t find the perfect present? Who doesn’t love a handmade, one of a kind, gift?  Our Chicago members got a jump start on the holiday season at one of the coolest events yet, glass blowing!  We made our very own glass ornaments! Our two awesome instructors walked us through the delicate process.  We were each given a glob of melted glass at the end of a pipe, we rolled it in all sorts of different colors of broken glass, and then it was time to turn up the heat.  We had to keep our glass constantly rotating in a huge furnace to melt the colored glass shards evenly, turning our little blob into a rainbow of swirling colors.  When it was finished in heat, our instructors kept the pipe rolling as we blew with all our might to fill our colorful glass blob with air.  We pinched them off, and there you have it!  A beautiful, unique ornament, a perfect holiday gift for a loved one, or for yourself!  Glass blowing was definitely one of the most interesting and fun things the Chicago club has done yet! This event was on fire, literally!  Events And Adventures Chicago

Friday, November 22, 2013

Monday Night Howlin’

The night was crisp and clear, and hung high in the dark sky was a dazzling full moon.  We had to celebrate this lunar delight, and what better way than at Howl at the Moon!  We tipped back cocktails and sang at the top of our lungs with our dueling piano accompaniment.  Since we E&Aers were obviously the coolest people there, we dominated the dance floor.  We mad new friends and danced the night away! At one point we even stole the spot light when we were invited up on stage to show off our moves!  The music was so great that some of the ladies even abandoned their heels to keep dancing!  Now that’s what I call having your priorities straight! I think the Chicago club made that full moon proud! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Salt Does More Then Just Enhance Flavor!

 This definitely tops the chart with the coolest thing I’ve done all month…A Salt Cave! 
As I walked inside, salt crunched under my feet like sand on a beach and the walls sparkled with salt crystals. We sat back in our reclining chairs and snuggled up in our blankets. We laid back and chatted about our days. 
Shortly the lights dimmed and calming sounds of the ocean played as we nestled in.  This unique experience was more than just relaxing. The air inside the cave was beneficial on many levels. The components of natural sea salts that filled the air have a concentration which promote several areas of health. Who knew this hidden gem was tucked away right here in our city? After a long, hard day at work, it was great to relax with some friendly E&A faces and try something new!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Veterans Day and So Many Awesome Events!

Happy Veterans Day and Thank You to the Men and Women that have served and continue to serve our country!

I am so ready for another week of Awesome Events! There's Dinner Around the World, Salt Cave Experience, Two Steppin', Chicago Picks, Private Karaoke, Medieval Times and Chili Cookoff & Bears Viewing Party! Signing up now for my favorites ...woohoo!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Blank Canvas. A Glass of Wine. A Stroke of Genius!

It's Tuesday night after a long day of work. Most people head home to put on their sweats and plop in front of the TV all night. Not us. That's not E&A's style! Instead, we met up for a relaxing evening of wine, painting and friends! The night began with sipping and sampling the different wines we brought. We relaxed on plush couches and snacked on fresh baked breads accompanied by infused oils and vinegar's  We took time to unwind, meet new members and talk about our day. Then it was time for the real fun to start! We each selected our desired photo and attempted to recreate it with paint and a blank canvas. At first it was a bit intimidating, but it wasn't long before my painting was well on its way! Just when I thought i was stuck, help was close by. E&A had a private painting session which came with two of our very own instructors! Whenever we needed guidance or supplies they were right there waiting to help us. Even if we didn't need anything at all they were there with compliments and encouragement! And when we were indulged and focused on our paintings, they brought to our attention when the local commuter train pulled up to the station across the street. For those of you that were there, you know what I mean. Let's just say it was a reminder to take a break, breathe and sip your wine. (We liked train breaks). At the end of the evening it was great to see how many of us chose the same picture to paint and how differently they each turned out. The colors, the shapes, the strokes of the brushes...they were  all impressively beautiful! It was obvious to me how each of our characters were expressed through our art. We all have our own style and uniqueness...And that's what E&A is all about. Coming together to be who we are!   Some of us have similarities and some of us have differences. That is why the club works! That is why we love it and have a blast!                                      Events And Adventures Chicago

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our Peru Trip in August....

For those of you that were not able to join us on this trip, here is a part of their Adventure as told by Reid our Event Host from Houston....
I took this picture at our basecamp at Soraypampa, Peru roughly 3,800 meters up in the Andes Mountains.  After completing the first days 7 hour hike in the lead group I see a bright light of confidence and accomplishment in my eyes.  Day 2 would destroy that light like a waterfall crushing the faint light of a candle.  After “sleeping” through rough winds, cold temperatures and a choir of wild dogs; the banging on our tent at  5 AM wasn’t the best wake up call I have ever had.  This was the start of the most challenging day of my life.  Fighting altitude, rough terrain and fatigue I would eventually reach the height of our trek 15,220 ft…before lunch;  A grueling 4 hour hike up over 3,000 feet in a matter of hours.  As I passed another adventurer up the trail he said something to me I would never forget.  He was much older than me and he looked at me through tired yet excitedly hopeful eyes and said Have you ever had so much fun being miserable?” It was a quote that I will always remember because I never want to forget that the things in life worth striving for often require the most challenging journeys.  Learning to love the journey is what Events & Adventures is all about every single day.

All of our Trips are open to members from any of our Clubs.

Events And Adventures Travel

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fencing Lesson!

Foil, sabre, epee…do you know what these things are? I do!  I never would have thought I would be doing something that dates back to the 16th century. I am referring to our Fencing Lesson. It was awesome! Our instructor was great at allowing us lots of hands-on exposure. She also educated us on the evolution of fencing up until its modern day. I had no clue that national fencing tournaments take place right here in Chicago. It’s a whole other hidden world! The experience was a first for nearly all of us E&A members. I love doing new things together! Someone was even able to check off an item on their bucket list! We let our guard down and tried something new. Actually, we kept our guard up! Haha…ON GUARD!
Events And Adventures Chicago

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Bash 2013!

Chicago’s biggest event yet!!! And guess who was there? Super woman! Captain Jack Sparrow! And the Energizer Bunny! That’s right…I am talking about the Halloween Bash, and boy was it is FUN!!! Our first annual Halloween Party was so awesome that it carried into the wee hours of the morning! The company was great! The band rocked! The costumes were spectacular! It was so refreshing to see each other out of the ordinary. Dressing up simply makes you feel like a kid again, and we all need that every once in a while! Our VIP loft was perfect for dancing or just relaxing and mingling on the comfy couches. Plus, it was only steps away from the band. We had the best of both worlds! E&A created a night of great fun, friends and memories. We have the pictures to prove it! To see more pictures visit our Facebook Page at:
Events And Adventures Chicago Facebook

Events And Adventures Chicago

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Learning Chicago History During An E&A Scavenger Hunt!

When you live in a big city, sometimes it’s easy to forget the little gems that make it so great.  The Chicago E&A’ers got a chance to participate in our first ever Scavenger Hunt!  We broke up into teams and ran all over downtown Chicago, searching for landmarks and collecting interesting information.  Did you know the sculpture at Millennium Park that we lovingly call “The Bean” is actually named Cloud Gate?  Who knew?!  We also learned that it is not as easy to find a book of matches as it might have been a few years ago, am I right Scavenger Hunters?  We roared with the lions at the Art Institute, interviewed each other in front of ABC Studios, and blew bubble gum bubbles in front of the Wrigley Building, and that’s only scratching the surface!  After a day like that how could we not feel proud to call Chicago our home!
Events And Adventures Chicago

Sunday, October 27, 2013

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night.......

Cue spooky music…It was a dark and stormy night…Well maybe not “stormy” but it was drizzly and cold!  The line was so long that we thought we would turn into zombies before we got to the end, but we didn’t mind too much. We had good company. There were 50 E&A members hanging out and we were on a mission!  There had been a zombie out break and it was up to us to save mankind!  We were loaded onto hay wagons and each assigned a paintball gun. Then we took off into the night.  Things were calm at first but then zombies started coming at us from all sides and it was our job to mow them down with our paintball guns!  There were a few close calls, but by the end we felt invincible!  After that we ventured out on foot through the pitch black corn maze with nothing but our flashlights to protect us!  We weren’t sure if  we would all made it out alive, but we did, and would do it again in a heartbeat! At the end of the night we eliminated the zombies and gained new E&A friends!

Events And Adventures Chicago

Friday, October 25, 2013

Monday Night Wallyball!

Monday night wallyball was awesome! It was all our first time playing so we were in the same boat. Wallyball combines the right amount of fun and exercise to keep you wanting more! It was awesome to see how much our skills progressed by the end of the evening. Heck, Kelli even invented her own serve where the ball disappears right before your eyes! It was a great way get rid of that Monday stress. I can’t count how many times I said “just one more game!” E&A brought us together and encouraged us to try this new, amazing sport which we will definitely see on the calendar again. The evening ended with laughs, sweat and salted caramel pumpkin icecream. That’s normal, right?!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Feeling Like A Kid Again

It’s been awhile since I’ve felt like a kid again, and our pottery class did the trick! Having clay all over my hands, arms and under my fingernails brought me back to my childhood. There is something about being dirty that makes me cringe and happy at the same time! We all began nice and slow on our pottery wheels trying to keep control of our clay and the splatter to a minimum. It didn’t take long before we realized this isn’t as easy as it looks! Some of us created beautiful bowls and vases while others’ looked like the work of a kindergartener(myself). All and all our creations were our own and we were proud of our art, perfect or lop-sided. I can confidently say that we threw around some clay and some laughs as well! 

Events And Adventures Chicago